Understanding Child Development: Key Milestones and What To Expect

As your child grows, you'll notice some exciting milestones along their journey. By around six months, they may start rolling over and reaching for toys, showing their curiosity about the world. By their first birthday, many children begin to walk with support and say simple words like "mama" or "dada." At 18 months, expect them to explore more, perhaps stacking blocks or following simple instructions. Each child develops at their own pace, and these milestones can vary.

Remember that while these milestones are exciting, they are just general guidelines. If your child isn't meeting these milestones on schedule, don't panic. Many factors, including individual temperament and early experiences, play a role in child development in Brighton, CO.

However, if you notice your child is not making eye contact, isn't responding to their name by 12 months, or shows no interest in playing with others by 18 months, it might be time to seek advice. Consulting a pediatrician provides valuable insights and peace of mind if you have concerns about their hearing, speech, or motor skills. At Premier Pediatrics, our dedicated team is here to support your child's growth and development.

Understanding Child Development: Key Milestones and What To Expect

As your child grows, expect to witness a series of exciting milestones that mark their development and showcase their blossoming abilities. Premier Pediatrics can guide you through what to anticipate at each stage of child development in Brighton, CO:

0-3 Months: Your baby will show early signs of interaction during this stage. They may begin to focus on faces, smile socially, and coo in response to your voice. For instance, you might notice your baby smiling back at you when you make silly faces or hear them making gurgling sounds as they explore their vocal cords.

4-6 Months: This period is full of discoveries. Your baby will reach for objects, grasp toys with their hands, and even begin rolling over. You may see them eagerly grabbing a rattle, shaking it, or rolling from their stomach to their back while playing on a mat.

7-9 Months: Your little one will become more mobile, possibly beginning to crawl. They may develop the ability to sit without support and babble, combining sounds like “ba-ba” or “dada.” Imagine them crawling towards you excitedly or babbling as they explore new toys.

10-12 Months: Around this time, your baby might start to pull up to stand, cruise along furniture, and even take their first steps. Their babbling will evolve into words. Picture them standing and holding onto the sofa or saying their first word while pointing at a favorite toy.

Discuss Child Development with Premier Pediatrics

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Are you seeking a pediatrician to discuss child development in Brighton, CO? To book an appointment with our board-certified pediatricians at Premier Pediatrics, call (303) 655-1685.

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