Managing Sensory Challenges in Children With Autism

Learn how to help your child cope with the challenges of autism with the help of the team at Premier Pediatrics in Brighton, CO.

Tips for Managing Sensory Challenges in Autistic Children

Autism can be a challenging thing for both parents and children to cope with. One very common challenge involves being sensitive to stimuli that activate their senses. Below, the team at Premier Pediatrics in Brighton, CO, shares some of the most common types of sensory challenges associated with autism and tips for managing them.


Most people know what it’s like to hear a sound that irritates you, such as nails scratching along a chalkboard. For most of us, it’s just a couple of noises and, while irritating, we can typically cope.

Autistic children, on the other hand, can become very stressed when they hear certain noises or when the environment is loud. Noise-canceling headphones and earplugs can go a long way in such situations. It can also be helpful to schedule any public outings for less busy times.


You might find that your child gets very uncomfortable and stressed when wearing certain clothing, sitting on specific furniture, or even touching specific items. Take note of the materials these things are made from, as it's likely the texture that is bothering them. Once identified, take steps to change the items they come in contact with. Soft, comfortable clothing is usually welcomed.


Like hearing specific noises, certain visual stimuli can be bothersome. For example, your child might be bothered by certain types of light or lights that flash. Hats, sunglasses, and light covers can help. It’s also wise to scope out any public place you want to take your child to ensure these visual items aren’t present.

Smells and Taste

Many children with ASD become overstimulated when exposed to unpleasant or strong smells and odors. In some cases, it might be a particular household cleaner or herb you use while cooking, even if it smells or tastes nice to you. If this is the case, avoid using these items while your child is around and air out your home before they return.

Identifying Sensory Challenges

Every child is different, and the examples above are just some of the challenges a child might experience. It can take some time to learn the specifics of your child’s sensitivities. Try keeping a log of any factors surrounding times they seem overstimulated and discuss them with your pediatrician for guidance.

Let our team at Premier Pediatrics in Brighton, or Commerce City, CO, help you and your child navigate the challenges of autism by calling (303) 655-1685 to schedule an appointment.

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